g...@sdf.org writes:

>>>>> \relative c'
>>>>> {
>>>>>   \repeat unfold 32 { c4 g'8 g } \bar "|"
>>>>>   \repeat unfold 32 { c4 g'8 g } \bar "|."
>>>>> }
>>>>> \layout {
>>>>>   \set Score.defaultBarType = #""
>>>>> }
>>>> You should also choose your \accidentalStyle judiciously.
>>> You mean, put "#(set-accidental-style 'voice)"?
>> No.  The default accidental styles forget accidentals at the end of
>> each bar.  But since your estimated reader does not get to _see_ the
>> end of each bar, that's not a good accidental style to use here.
> Ah, I see, you are correct.  So I should use "#(set-accidental-style
> forget)", am I right?
> Is it possible to put this in the \layout section?

Not in 2.14 IIRC.  You can use \displayLilyMusic on music setting the
accidental style and see whether you can hand-translate this into a
layout definition.

In 2.16, you just put the accidental style definition into the layout
block and that's it.

David Kastrup

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