On 2013-05-01 05:47, Sarah k Alawami wrote:
Is there an easier way to make the midi block with out remembering too much? lol!
Don't you need a \score ? If I add \score { before {\relative c,, and add \midi{} } last in the file I get a midi file. I attach the changed file. NB! I'm using version "2.17.11" // AndersPS! Not being a flutist (?) I'm a bit surprised that a flute can play two notes at the same time!
-- English isn't my first language. So any error or strangeness is due to the translation. Please correct my English so that I may become better.
\version "2.17.11" global= {\tempo 4. = 100 \time 12/8 } flute = \new Staff \global \score { {\relative c,, \key g \major \repeat volta 1 { \partial 8 d8 | \repeat percent 1 {g4 d8 b a g} | g4 b'8 c( b a) b4( g8) g4 a8 | \repeat percent 1 {d8 a fis e d } | d8( fis e) g( fis e) fis4( d8) d4 a8 | b8 a b d b gis a gis a a4 g | fis8 e fis f e f f4 e8 e a g | << { \voiceOne fis8( e fis) e( d e) d( a fis) d' a fis | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo a4 a8 g4 g8 d a fis d' a fis | } >> \oneVoice r8 d8 d r8 d8 d r8 fis8 fis r8 d8 d | r8 a8 a r8 a a fis4 fis8 e d cis | d4 fis8 g( fis e) f4. r8 r8 | } } \midi {} }
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