

In the following, I want to place a slur from the bes16 across the bar to
the aes8.


\version "2.16.2"


{ \key des \major

  \time 4/4

   bes2-3 a4~ a8. bes16 |

aes8.  bes16 ( aes16. ) bes32 ( aes16. ) bes32 

\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)

\times 2/3 { g16-1 [ bes-3 ees' ] g [ bes ees' ] bes-2 [ d'-4 f' ] d'-1 [ f'
aes'-4 ] }



When I the put  aes8. in parenthesis, i.e., ( aes8. ), the error code
"unexpected '(' " comes up and the complying exists.


What is my error?


Thank you for your kind attention.



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