Hi Colin,

thanks for your valuable comments!

Am Samstag, den 20.04.2013, 11:50 +0100 schrieb Colin Hall:
> Urs Liska writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > today I finished the first draft of a paper on a plain text file based 
> > toolchain for writing (about) music. 

> ...
> Your paper reads well and the presentation is very clear. The appearance
> is attractive.
> Based on five minutes of reading the paper, Urs, I have a couple of
> questions for you.
> What is your motivation for writing the document? I can make more
> relevant comments if I know your aims.
> Can you be more specific about your audience?
This is an important comment because it clearly shows that there is some
work to do.
(Although I assume that with a revision of that first sketch I would
have been able to make my points much clearer anyway).

> To me your paper seems to be pitched very well for someone who is
> already interested in these ideas but needs guidance. In other words,
> someone who would benefit from this Lilypond library.
Well, that's not the core of my intention (so there is some work for me
to do).
My target audience are people who are involved in writing scores and
text about music (maybe with a slight personal bias on people who
prepare editions), but who still use word processors and wysiwyg
notation programs.
I want to show them that there's a whole other world with a completely
different approach, and that this text based approach is well worth the
effort it takes to get acquainted with it.

When writing this first draft I didn't (couldn't) focus enough on this
perspective (i.e. developing my arguments for the perspective of
'outsiders'), but mainly wanted to collect the material and bring it to
an order.

So I intended to revise it from that perspective anyway, but I'm glad
about your comment which tells me that this isn't 'optional' at all ;-)

Next week I will have an oral presentation in my university on that
topic. Of course I can only present some percentage of the material in
not more than one hour.
Of course I will use the feedback from this occasion for revising my

> I suggest you make a brief, clear statement on the first page of the
> problem that is solved by a text-based approach. Speak from the heart,
> perhaps drawing on your own experience directly.
This is a very good suggestion. 

> Can you avoid having the licencing and credits on the first page? I
> found that distracting.
This should be possible, I think ;-)
Maybe we'll have to discuss this as there will be quite a lot of
documents based on that documentclass ...

> Here is a piece of opinion from me, so you know my position. Users of
> WYSIWYG engraving software accept the shortcomings because it is quick
> and effective. Users of text-based approaches accept the additional
> effort required because they are perfectionists.
This is a good starting point for making a conclusion.
But I'd also include/emphasize the points made by other commentors about
the control it gives.


> Cheers,
> Colin.

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