Am 16.04.2013 14:07, schrieb Richard Shann:
On Tue, 2013-03-26 at 10:29 +0100, Urs Liska wrote:
BTW we're preparing the release of a LilyPond toolbox library (where
\displayControlPoints will be included of course), and I'd love to
include this new one there too.

I've been trying to track down where this code might be - the last email
in the thread
  ends with a snippet which fails on execution

Drawing In procedure memoization in expression
(if (eq? line #t) (begin #) ...): In file "", line 27: Missing or extra expression in
(if (eq? line #t) (begin (ly:stencil-add (make-line-stencil 0.05 (car
(first cps)) (cdr (first cps)) (car (second cps)) (cdr (second cps)))
cps)) (car (third cps)) (cdr (third cps))).

this is with 2.16.2

Richard Shann

I can't tell this right now, but it may very well be that this is due to syntax changes after 2.16.
The code which we use (with 2.17.3) is still in our private library.
When we will (hopefully soon) work on transfering stuff to the new public location we'll surely review these functions again and may also find solutions to work with different LilyPond versions. You can see a screenshot here in the meantime. I'm sure it would fit very well to your endeavours (judging from the latest video).


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