On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 01:25:42AM -0400, Bric wrote:
> How hard would it be to enhance the svg export with robust svg element id's 
> that
> retain (at least SOME of) the original lilypond's note characteristics ??
> instead of assigning anonymous generic inkscape object names (e.g.,
> id="rect7306" ), have id's such as:
> <path style="..." d="..." id="note23_gis_head">
> <path style="..." d="..." id="note23_gis_stem">
> <path style="..." d="..." id="note23_gis_elem1">
> <path style="..." d="..." id="note23_gis_elem2">
> ...
> etc.

This would be basically an extension of my patch here:
but unfortunately the academic project which would have required
that work was cancelled.  I think it would take 2-10 hours to get
the framework in place, depending on your level of familiarity
with lilypond internals.

- Graham

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