Dear LilyPond,

LilyPond features in a demo video that I have posted at  to publicise the new version 1.0.0 of
Denemo, just released. It points out the quality of LilyPond's
typesetting without manual tweaking. It also shows LilyPond adjusting
the layout of the music after transposition without any further user
intervention (though this example was not chosen to illustrate this
point, and another example with dynamics, tempo changes etc would do
that better).

The collection of videos also illustrates the ability of LilyPond to
keep up with input of notes (as in the Handel Harmonization demo and shows how things like choosing page
breaks, modifying beaming etc, can be most naturally achieved by
clicking with the mouse on the LilyPond-typeset PDF display

With this version Denemo looks more like a conventional score editor.
However, there is no reduction in the commitment to Denemo as a front
end to LilyPond. There is still a LilyPond window where customized
layouts for full score, parts or any other arrangement of the music can
be edited as text and stored with the saved Denemo score. And further
tweaks can be inserted in the music in that window too. (Sadly, it still
lacks syntax coloring...).

Richard Shann

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