On 26 mars 2013, at 10:52, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I met a former colleague in the bus to Chemnitz, and he is at least
> knowledgeable about EU research programmes.  Do people here have ideas
> about possible institutions who could be made to participate?  I think
> the conditions are institutions from at least three EU countries, and
> monetary participation of at least 25%.  So we need some institution
> with a reasonable interest of its own to get to some LilyPond-related
> goals.
> Objective ICT-2013.8.2 Technology-enhanced learning
> Target Outcomes
> Research under this objective targets tailored, scaled and tested R&D
> for stimulating the take-up of learning technologies in different
> learning contexts, reinforces the evidence-base of effectiveness of
> learning technologies and encourages their innovative use.
> a) ICT-enabled learning environments: joint pre-commercial procurement
> (PCP) of innovative solutions for teaching national curricular topic(s)
> in primary and/or secondary education, based on latest advances in
> pedagogical, cognitive and other relevant scientific disciplines.
> These solutions should:
> • combine, and operate across different digital media and devices and
> stretch the boundaries of place, time, type and styles of active
> learning in the digital age;
> • include rich and intuitive interfaces for teachers and students and
> simulations and representations for teaching, learning and communicating
> about the topic;
> • adapt to different teaching practices and learning methods (e.g.
> collaborative, inquiry-based and personalised learning and 1:1 tutoring)
> and provide efficient support for the teacher in planning, monitoring,
> assessment and in the management of classroom activities.
> The participatory design of the systems should involve all key
> stakeholders in the value chain, e.g. public authorities, researchers,
> developers and end-users, through iterative processes and take into
> account contextual variables that affect learning in particular contexts
> (e.g. local, regional and/or national situations, learner and teacher
> profiles, types and styles of learning). The proposed solutions should
> aim for wide adoption at local, regional or national level and their
> relevance and effectiveness for learning should be demonstrated by
> appropriate evaluation methods and benchmarking.
> PCPs shall be implemented according to the conditions outlined in
> objective 11.1 and Appendix 6 and cover the full PCP life-cycle
> encompassing solution design, prototyping, and original development of a
> limited volume of products/services in the form of a validated test
> series. They should seek to contribute to standards in digital
> educational solutions.
> ...
> Expected Impact
> • Broaden use of ICT in education in at least one curricular topic
> leading to wider take up by end-users;
> • Effective public-private partnerships for providing digital learning
> solutions in Europe;
> • Stronger growth of the European ICT-enabled learning markets;
> • More efficient use of ICT for learning through the exploitation of
> learning analytics tools;
> • More timely and effective acquisition of skills/competences through
> learning technologies, in public administrations, indicated a.o. through
> % of decrease in time to proven competency and in time to carry out the
> tasks, and % of savings in study time;
> • Increased awareness on the benefit of the adoption of learning
> technologies.
> Funding Schemes
> a) CP-CSA, b) STREP, CSA, c) IP/STREP d) CSA (CA only).
> Indicative budget distribution
> CP-CSA, IP/STREP: EUR 22 million, of which a minimum of 25% allocated to
> CP-CSA (max 25% for the CSA part), a minimum of 40% to IPs and 30% to
> For outcome b) : 1-2 STREPS to be funded
> CSA: EUR 3 million
> Call:
> FP7-ICT-2013-11

This is the exact sorta thing I've been looking for.
I work with a group in France that'd be perfect for this (the Grame) - I'll ask 
I also have some contacts to the Sibelius Academy in Finland...

Will keep you posted.


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