Hi Fabio, here is a code that nearly reproduces your measures (without slurs/ties on first and last notes). I hope you can read from this example what you asked for. You can remove the comments (from % to the line end).
For others reading this, some more detailed questions: 1) Why is there a "Solo" even if both voices have notes there (in case I do not hide the PartCombineTexts)? 2) The 16th-rest in measure 2 is too close to the previous note to my eyes. 3) The ties connecting measure 2 and 3 are looking like slurs (shouldn't it be placed between the notes?) Cheers, Joram \version "2.16.0" \new Staff \partcombine \relative c'' { % why is there a "Solo" without the next line? \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f \time 6/8 a16 r g4( f) g8( | % why is the first rest so close to prev. note? % why is the final tie looking like a slur? e16) r r8 r g4. ~ | g16 r f4( e) f8 | } \relative c' { b16 r b4(\p c16) r a4( | g16) r r8 r a4.-> ~ | % accent position improved in 2.17 a16 r a4\p( bes16) r16 g4 | } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user