In my (minimal) example below, I'm having trouble with displaying
dashed barlines in the middle of the bar. Probably the first
occurance of the tuplets in the violin - a figure which is running
'through' the bar - is making things difficult, but is there a way
to force the barline anyway? I don't get any errors while parsing,
using 2.17.14, but I don't get the dashed barlines either.


==== SAMPLE =====

violin = \relative c'
  \time 17/8
  r4 r8 \times 2/3 { a8[ a a] } \times 2/3 { a2 a4 } a2 a4 r4 |

viola = \relative c'
\time 17/8 a8[ a] a4 \bar "dashed" s8 s2 s2 s4 \bar "dashed" a8[ a] |

cello = \relative c'
  \time 17/8
  \times 2/3 { a8[ a a] } a4 \bar "dashed" s8 s2 s2 s4 \bar "dashed" a8[ a] |

\score {
  \new StaffGroup
<< \new Staff \violin
      \new Staff \viola
      \new Staff \cello
>> }

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