On 17 mars 2013, at 09:31, Wim van Dommelen <m...@wimvd.nl> wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I tried that, but 'covered' doesn't in this stencil (the 
> 'bassoon-cc-one-key-stencil' is different from the others) if I see this 
> right, you need a 'ring'-type stencil to do that. Or did I miss something 
> there?
> I use 2.16.0 (stable).
> So for the solution I gave Ryan, I ALSO had to change the undelying stencil, 
> I grabbed the standard ring-column.
> But that produces a circle, not the oval as in the current stencil.
> Ryan, is that a problem?
> If not, go two lines above and put there the exact same text as three lines 
> lower (exact as in 'exactly with all dots, commas, brackets, etc'). I can 
> email you a complete file if you want.

Missed that, good catch.

Thanks Wim!

Is this the case for all bassoons? If so, we can change LilyPond to reflect 


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