On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:20:39AM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> It might also make sense to replace the multimeasure rest with a normal
> rest depending on the musical aim.

I'll keep that in my bag of tricks for the future.  The example
is exaggerated, since this problem gets less noticeable as the
width of the bar in question gets smaller.

> It also seems weird to have a fermata on the multimeasure/fullbar rest
> while not on the whole note.

This made me curious.  I tried engraving a fermata in the ChordNames
staff, but I couldn't get it to appear.  How would one attach a fermata
to the chord symbol?

Thank you,


This gives no errors, but no joy:

\version "2.16.1"

\paper { ragged-last = ##f }

\score {
    \new ChordNames \chordmode { fis1:m9\fermata }
    \new Staff { R1\fermataMarkup }
} % score

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