Am 07.03.2013 10:06, schrieb David Kastrup:
Ok, here is the deal: I promise to give real thought about a way to
_define_ repeat structures in such a straightforward manner that a user
would understand how to create repeat structures of his own including
working Midi and \expandRepeats as long as he can hack together the
glyphs for the _looks_.

And you promise think about how the barline definition interface might
be made more friendly when in-line recipe and call string are not forced
to be the same, and how more complex recipes might benefit from not
being string-only.  I can also imagine recipes/definitions like

(define-bar-type "|:"
   ".|:" :prebreak "|" :postbreak ".|:" :spanbar ("xxx" "yyy"))
Ok, sounds like a good deal ;-)

What exactly do you mean by :spanbar ("xxx" "yyy")?

As Janek pointed out some months ago, he wanted to be able
to define separate span-bar types on-the-fly, so we probably
should end up with something like

(define-bar-type "|:"
   ".|:" :prebreak "|" :postbreak ".|:"
   :spanbar ".|" :spanbar-prebreak "|" :spanbar-postbreak ".|")



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