Hi Sarah,

Try here, this should help you with bars.

\bar "|."


Sarah k Alawami wrote
> Sorry to the poor person getting this twice. I forgot to put the list name
> in the to field.
> begin msg
> Bleh. I must have  mistyped something.  or just missed it when skimming.
> Well I just fixed it and it compiled. Ok Ok I have no version but I'm
> doing the parts separately for now so i don't get too overwhelmed and
> loose my place.
> Here is the second violin pdf or as far as Iv'e gotten. I know that it
> ends on a 5 cord lol!
> Btw how do I end the piece? Do I do a double bar line on every staff? or
> is there a global ending thing I can use? I don't'  mind dong the double
> bar line as it will be an indication to me that the piece is done lol!
> I'll take care of dynamics later but right now as long as I get the notes
> down …
> Tc all
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Urs Liska <

> lists@

> > wrote:
>> Am 02.03.2013 21:20, schrieb Sarah k Alawami:
>>> Well I'm getting fewer errors lol! Here is the score attached 
>>> I got some errors but the pdf still produced. here is the log 
>>>  Processing `/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly'
>>> Parsing...
>>> /Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly:7:11: error: syntax error,
>>> unexpected '}'
>>> c c fis d |
>>>            }
>> You have } at the end of the third and fourth line of your music.
>> The first one of these should be removed.
>> See, you finish off the music expression with the curly brace (in the
>> third line), but it shouldn't be finished as it is continued in the next
>> line.
>> So LilyPond will assume you closed the group, and now it wonders why
>> there is another closing curly brace (that doesn't match an opening curly
>> brace).
>>> /Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly:4:0: error: errors found,
>>> ignoring music expression
>>> << { \voiceOne ees ees  ees8. d16 c4 |
>>> /Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly:0: warning: no \version
>>> statement found, please add
>>> \version "2.16.2"
>>> for future compatibility
>>> fatal error: failed files: "/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly"
>>> I see that I got a faidel error so what Id  I do wrong/ I counted to
>>> make sure there were no rhythm errors and tried to follow the manual to
>>> the best of my ability.
>>> I think though I'm slowly getting the hang of this thanks to all of your
>>> help and the manual.
>>> Tc all and be blessed.
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> second violin part.pdf (42K)
> &lt;http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/attachment/141902/0/second%20violin%20part.pdf&gt;

composer | sound designer
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