Am 02.03.2013 19:09, schrieb Joseph Rushton Wakeling:
On 03/02/2013 06:30 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
I also thought of Berg already. Maybe also his songs? (could prove useful for me
when having to play transpositions ...)
But the Clarinet Pieces are beautiful too. Good point.

Well, tell you what. If I put together a rough version of the 4 Pieces and get it up on GitHub, why don't we take it from there?

By "rough version" I mean all notes, articulations etc. entered, but with no tweaks or custom scripting, just to see what Lilypond comes up with on its own.

I think that's a very reasonable suggestion.
These pieces are worthwile to deal with, complex as engraving task (so useful in our context), and they are still accessible in their complexity and length.

Count me in if you start with that.

But let me make a further suggestion:
As I already mentioned in an earlier thread I'm going to write a paper on plain-text, git-driven work-flows, and I would be pleased if I could use this project as example material for that. The motivation for the paper is a presentation at my university, but of course I'll release it publicly as part of our openLilyLib tutorials series.
So it would make sense to host our Berg engraving also within this project.
I can give you write access to (you may look at that but it's not really in a release state ...), and you could put the material in a subfolder of OLLexamples.

One remark that is independent of the above suggestion: You should really take care of creating a nice Git history right from the start, because that's something we might want to present someday.


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