Uh, I'm not there yet and I'm using 2.16 not 2.17. Ok. so if I use the voiceOne 
and the voiceTwo thing and there is a unison between the 2 voices how would I 
indicate that since my ideas just went out the window? lol! I'm so used to 
braille text where text is indicated and symbols and stuff. I'm not quite ready 
nor am I good enough yet to use functions. lol! Iv'e already started to notata 
voice 1 of the violin 2 part but it will go in to a unison with voice 2 in mid  
measure so using the 

<< { \voiceOne ... }
  \new Voice { \voiceTwo ... }
>> \oneVoice

do I put the unison note in both voices? and hope they can read my writing? as 
this will go in to unison for 1 or 2 notes mid measure and get right back to  
split parts.

On Mar 2, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 02.03.2013 19:51, schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
>>> Hey thanks. I'm thinking of using the  thing in  the manual that says
>>> << { \voiceOne ... }
>>> \new Voice { \voiceTwo ... }
>>>>> \oneVoice
>> You should.  ;)
>> Here's a function (and snippet/example) that might help:
> Wow, that is useful!
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