2013/2/20 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com>:
> 2013/2/19 Trevor Daniels <t.dani...@treda.co.uk>:
>> Thomas Morley wrote Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:29 PM
>>> There were some similiar requests in the past, perhaps I should write
>>> a LSR-snippet or is it worth to be included in the source-docs?
>> An LSR snippet would be great.
> Will do.
>> We can then easily include it in the docs if
>> we think it should be, although I think this is too specialised
> Well, I think the only (?) use would be for educational purpose.
> Though, there are a lot of music-teachers on the list (I'm one, too)
> and I hope they will be happy to get sth like this.
> At least, I am.
>> and too long for that.
> I disagree. Actually, the example (as posted) doesn't make clear why
> these settings/overrides are necessary.
> I thought about printing a simple choral in the first StaffGroup and
> the same with diminutions in the second StaffGroup to show the
> vertical alignment.
> Ok, _this_ might be too long. But you get the point.
> -Harm

LSR-snippet-preview now available:

I tagged it doc although it is quite long.

Phil, what do you think?


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