
No ignorance. I have been working with Lilypond for about six months and
most of the little that I know is from experimentation and the help of
others in the group.

My solution was gotten with a little experimentation. Since the \sustainOff
works when it is in the voice that started it, my suggested trial and error
would be to have
<< {\sustainOn %first measure, second measure \sustainOff } \\ { %first
measure, second measure } >>.
Then repeat this pattern for each successive pairs of measures. 

This may or may not be the most elegant or efficient means. It is the one
that makes sense to me.

Another learned item is that when doing explicit voices, i.e., using << and
>>, putting the higher voice first and the lower voice second seems, up to
now, to work more smoothly.


-----Original Message----- 
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 10:32 PM
Subject: RE: sustain pedal warnings

Hi thanks for the quick response. Please forgive my ignorance but I am not
sure I can wrap it down to a minimal full example, I still haven't sorted
out how to make files without the template wizard. It is just the piano part
of a vocal score. The actual points in the score where the pedal markings
appear are correct (see attached image starting bar 7 ending bar 8)
it is just the warnings keep adding up. 

Once again forgive me, if I misunderstand the move you suggest. The sustain
off is required at the end of the following bar and it only has one voice
none of the <<{}\\{}>> stuff. From what I have read it seems this happens
with cross voice type things. One suggestion was to add empty voices but
then that muddles with the stems and the rests get raised or lowered and
things like that. I also have the same issue with slur that go cross voice
and by that i mean one bar has the <<{}\\{}>> whilst the following bar

Another solution I have read is to give the pedal marking their own stave so
to speak so they are separated from the music but I still haven't figured
out how to do that either. I am on like day two of using lilypond so I am
still on the learning curve. Seems fantastic so far I just need to
understand it a bit more

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