Am 22.02.2013 11:27, schrieb David Kastrup:
Urs Liska <> writes:

I was trying to reproduce the example .png given in the blog,
accessible at

That example shows two grouped staves, each with two horn parts
written on the same stem, as though they were a chord.

Ah, that makes it clearer.
If you want to achieve that result but want (obviously) to have
separate voices
I don't see anything here that would warrant separate voices.  Just use

\new Voice << \tromboneOne \tromboneTwo >>

in order to put both into the same voice and be finished.

You're right, I didn't think of this possibility.
What he needs is obviously _not_ two voices but to keep the music variables independent.

But I'd suggest he uses \partcombine because that's what it is meant for and can show practical input structure.

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