
After an hour reading through the user guides and the internal reference I
had thought that this would disable the dashed line that follows the


flute = {

\key e \minor


% Music follows here.

\ottava #1

\override Staff.OttavaBracket #'dash-fraction = #0.0

gs''2 fs''4 e'' |

f''2 ef''2 | \time 3/4


Using this as the reference:
<quote>dash-fraction (number):


Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no
line) and 1.0 (continuous line).


I read that to say that 0.0 will result in no lines. This is not what
happens. Of course, it is almost surely true that my understanding of how
to do this is completely flawed. The dashes are much smaller, but they
remain. I've tried multiple variants:

No Staff. #0.0 and #'0.0 but nothing doing?

Guy Stalnaker
lilypond-user mailing list

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