Helge Kruse-4 wrote
> But there is one note that requires this <<{}\\{}>> construct, doesn't 
> it? In this case Lilypond doesn't find a good slope for the second beam. 
> How can this be solved? I already tried to write a similar <{}\\{}>> 
> construct in the lower stuff. But it didn't help.
> In the example below you find the left hand notes in the lower staff. 
> Thats' the reason for the strange treble clef in the lower staff.

I don't think I could handle this with implicit voices…

IIRC when you \change Staff the voice named "1" in the upper staff goes to
voice "1" in the lower staff but with your construct you have no control
whether the voices are named "correctly"!

this seems to work:

  \new Voice = "1" { r8 fis e |
      \new Voice { h'4.-> }
      % \\
      \context Voice = "1" {
        r32 d, fis h  d[
        \change Staff=lower
        \clef treble fis h cis]  d \change Staff=upper \clef treble fis h

sure you can omit certain \new or \context above, but it should be clearer
with them.


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