On 12 févr. 2013, at 02:58, Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> 

> Hi Mike,
>> Should get you started OK:
> Thanks for this!
> First, I'm going to turn this into a music function so I don't have to keep 
> typing it all.
> Then I'm going to see if I can turn it into a callback function for 
> MetronomeMark — that's where I mostly need it.
> Many thanks,
> Kieren.

Hey Kieren,

You won't be able to do this with a metronome mark because that Grob is an item 
whereas the text spanner is a spanner, meaning it can take up multiple columns 
witthout stretching the music too much. So I'd use a customized text spanner in 
a separate context (like Dynamics...or you could create your own).

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