2013/2/1 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
>> I think you mean "\transposition is for displaying pitches only"
> Huh?


>> I think the great feature you like so much is \transposition, which
>> lets you input notes in concerty pitch, shows an instrument
>> transposition correctly, and does not affect MIDI.
> I count this as another vote for "the current interface is confusing
> even to long-time LilyPond users".


> \transposition does _not_ affect the typesetting of notes (apart from
> quoted music which needs to get adjusted for the respective values of
> instrument pitch).

OMG I've even written about this matter in a teaching booklet! I had
forgottten the way it worked, then I read the docs, and I still learnt
what I thought I already knew!

Sorry for the noise. At least my booklet puts it right, in the
Mendelssohn chapter. http://www.paconet.org/lilypond/libro.pdf

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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