please respond to the list !

Am 27.01.2013 00:45, schrieb Frank Steinmetzger:
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 02:18:52AM -0800, Eluze wrote:
Frank Steinmetzger wrote
not sure to understand correctly why you want repeat volta in the lyrics
all!? for the reader it doesn't make clear what shall be repeated and
please clarify!
Usually because then I can use the same score for MIDI output and don't
to start with \tag magic or chopped up lyrics blocks.
in \lyricsmode, using

\repeat unfold 2 {

should to it!
But then they would also unfold in the PDF.
What I usually do:

% -----------------------

sometext=\lyricmode {
        \repeat volta 2 {
                bla bla bla bla.
        foo bar.

\score {
                \addlyrics \sometext
        \layout {}

\score {

        ... same score content as above
        \midi {}

% -----------------------

If voltas interfered as described in my OP, I would do:
sometext=\lyricmode {
        bla bla bla bla
        \tag #'midi { bla bla bla bla }
        foo bar.
And then add appropriate tags in the two scores. But for some more complex
pieces, this can become cumbersome and/or obscure in the code.

is this what you want?

music=\relative c'' {
  \mark \default
  \repeat volta 2 { r4 r r r | a4 a a a }
  \mark \default
  R1 | a
  \bar "|."
text=\lyricmode { ah ah ah ah | beh. }
myStaff=\new Staff <<
  \addlyrics \text
{ \myStaff }
\score {
  \midi {}


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