I have often thought about putting an automated fix for this in Denemo,
but I am not sure if it is easy to describe the conditions where it is
needed, and what is needed in the case that another part has a note that
spans the position where the grace occurs. If someone can say what these
are I will try and include a fix in the script that checks the score for
unterminated tuplets, incomplete measures etc.

Richard Shann

On Sat, 2013-01-26 at 21:03 +0100, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Il 26/01/2013 20:54, Jethro Van Thuyne ha scritto:
> > When trying to typeset grace notes on the first beat of a piano
> > staff, something odd happens with the left hand bass clef. First
> > there is a treble clef engraved, then a time signature, and only
> > after that a bass clef and key signature.
> > right = \relative c''   {
> >    \clef treble
> >    \key f \major
> >    \grace { c32[ d e] } f1
> >    }
> >
> > left = \relative c   {
> >    \clef bass
> >    \key f \major
> >    f1
> >    }
> It's a known issue ("Grace note synchronization"):
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.16/Documentation/notation/special-rhythmic-concerns#index-grace_002dnote-synchronization
> The workaround is using a grace with skip rests in the other staff:
> left = \relative c   {
>    \clef bass
>    \key f \major
>    \grace { s32*3 }
>    f1
> }
> Here's the very old bug report:
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=34

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