Kevin Stolt <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to conditionally add ambitus based on a variable
> definition.  I'm
> having trouble figure out how to do it.
> \version "2.16.2"
> isAmbitus = #f
> includeAmbitus = #(define-music-function
>   (parser location)
>   ()
>   (if isAmbitus
>   #{ \with { \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } #}
>   #{ #} ))
> %When I try to use includeAmbitus:
> \score {
> \new Voice = "one" \includeAmbitus {e' f' g'}
> }
> It gives an error about an unexpected EVENT_IDENTIFIER
> Is this there a different function type I should be using
> instead of define-music-function?

define-scheme-function.  The second case will need to contain
#{ \with { } #}
in order to make it a context mod as well rather than a void music

Maybe you'll need \with \includeAmbitus to have it work properly.

David Kastrup

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