Thanks David.

This appears to work fine when adding markup to a staff (as in annotating
below the staff).  However, I'm trying to reference chords using this
notation in text, in a music theory discussion regarding chord resolution.
 Since this isn't within lilypond markup, I don't think I can use this.

I tried the obvious in my .lytex file:


  \rN { V 4/3 }

As well as preceeding the \rN with \markup, and both result in errors such

lilypond-book --output=out --pdf bar.lytex
lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 2.16.2
Reading bar.lytex...
Running `pdflatex' on file
`/var/folders/4m/_ndvz2k14wj63vptwlb4fs740000gn/T/tmpg_VEGR.tex' to detect
default page settings.

Writing snippets...
Running lilypond...
GNU LilyPond 2.16.2
Processing `'
Processing `bar.lytex'
bar.lytex:29:2: error: unknown escaped string: `\rN'

  \rN { V 4/3 }
bar.lytex:29:2: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING

  \rN { V 4/3 }
bar.lytex:21:0: error: errors found, ignoring music expression

fatal error: failed files: "ee/"

Any suggestions?  Or should I just try to figure out the
superscript-subscript tex macros to make this work?  Thanks.

-- Eric

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 5:57 PM, David Nalesnik <>wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Eric Swenson <> wrote:
>> I'm trying to write up some text using latex (and lilypond-book) that
>> describes cadences and chords using notation such as IV4/3, where I
>> with the 4 to be typeset directly above the 3 and the 4/3 designation
>> to the right of the roman numeral chord designator.  How can I do this
>> in lilypond-book (lilypond)?
>> It looks like the
>>   \new FiguredBass {
>>     \figuremode {}
>>    }
>> is intended to be used along with music (e.g. under a staff).  I'm trying
>> to reference this in a latex document, where I'm using lilypond-book.
>> Can anyone give me any advice?  Should I simply not use lilypond for this,
>> and resort to straight latex macros?  Any pointers to same?
> You can create the Roman numeral analysis with LilyPond using the \rN
> command defined here:
> HTH,
> David
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