2013/1/18 Shane Brandes <sh...@grayskies.net>:
> That once useful function no longer works properly or as most people might
> anticipate, after 2.12 or thereabouts. Something about multiple headers
> causes Lilypond to crap out. From what i understand a header is a top level
> widget and there can be only one unless you declare some odd ball
> incantation involving either book or book part. That can be accomplished but
> as soon as you introduce a \global in any of the music files you destroy
> that possible way out of the maze, this therefore precludes a most common
> way of defining scores.  After beating my head against this for a week
> trying to make the theoretical work, I put up a work around and simply
> replaced the necessary headers with equivalent markup sequences for the
> headers. Search for the multiple headers thread to see a viable solution.
>   This area of lilypond is either woefully under documented or simply in a
> very inferior state to the rest of the programs capabilities.
> Anyway best of luck.
> Shane
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek <carsonm...@ca.rr.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello:
>> The attached file is for a Prelude and Fugue. The header for the Prelude
>> does not appear and is replaced by the header for the Fugue. I have compared
>> mine to the examples in the manual and cannot find my error.
>> Would someone please point it out to me?
>> Thank you for your kind attention.
>> Mark
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Hi Mark,

LilyPond supports two kinds of headers: book-header and score-header.

a) book-header (top-level!):

\header { ... }
\score { ... }

b) score-header:

\score {
  \header { ... }

In your file you use _two_ book-header:

\header {  ... }      <-  this is a book-header!
\score { ... }
\header { ... }       <-  this too
\score { ... }

The second overrides the first. This is common practise in LilyPond
and didn't work different in 2.12.3

You could use score-headers:

\score {
  \header { <settings> }

\score {
  \header { <other-settings> }

By default this approach will not print every definition you may have
made in each header.
To force that use

\paper {
        print-all-headers = ##t

in addition.

This will have a disadvantage, though. If you now set an additional
book-header these settings will be included in every score-header.
You can clear this by inserting a null-statement in every score-header
which does not define the relevant variable of the book-header:

\paper {
        print-all-headers = ##t

\header {
        title = "Title"
        subtitle = "Subtitle"

\score {
  \header {
     % overrides the title of the book-header
     title = "piece"
     % clears the subtitle of the book-header
     subtitle = ""

\score {
  % subtitle from book-header will be included
  \header { title = "other-piece" }

I don't like this messing around with the book-header. So I rarely use
it and prefer \markup for it as Shane suggested already.
But using the score-header is nice.

Below a simple example which uses both, book- and score-header.
Delete the parts relevant to the book-header, if you want.
Some comments included.

\version "2.16.1"

% book-header:
\header {
        title = "Title"
        subtitle = "Subtitle"
        subsubtitle = \markup \vspace #3
        composer = "Composer"


\paper {
        print-all-headers = ##t

globalP = {
  \key cis \major
  \time 3/8

pI = \relative c'' { \globalP r4. }

\score {
    \new Staff \pI
    \layout { }
    % score-header
    \header {
      title = "Prelude"
      % clear the relevant parts of the book-header.
      % not needed if no book-header is used.
      subtitle = ""
      subsubtitle = ""
      composer = ""

globalF = {
        \key cis \major
        \time 4/4

fI = \relative c'' { \globalF r1 }

\score {
    \new Staff \fI
    \layout { }
    % score-header
    \header {
      title = "Fuge"
      subtitle = "a 3 Voices"
      % see above
      subsubtitle = ""
      composer = ""


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