On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Lilly <l...@ngi.it> wrote:
> I wanted to write some rhythm guitar and for that i'm using the
> \improvisationOn command to switch to slash note heads.
> For a particular pattern with "rasgueado" tecnique, i need to display the
> arpeggio glyph, but as you know it needs at last two notes in a chord to
> display, and instead i'm writing only rhythms as single note, and using:
>     \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
>     squashedPosition = #-2
> to display the slash vertically aligned in the position i want.
> The solution found in the other post i was not able to make to work.
> I wanted to use the arpeggio glyph in the Feta fonts, and use it with markup
> command, but i was not able to find.
> I'm thinking i should switch the way to write rhythms with chords (in effect
> the real thing is just that), but anyway i want to engrave only one slash
> with arpeggio near it.
> If you compile the "other post" code, you will obtain 2 or more slashes with
> an arpeggio on side. One slash is more than enough :)
> I have a headache for now, and hope someone can give me an help :)
> thank you in advance
> Luigi

Arpeggios do work on single notes; they just don't show up because the
available space is too small.

When you have a chord with a squashed position, all the noteheads are
forced onto one staff line or space. The double slashes you're seeing
are two noteheads in the same chord squashed to the same staff
position. The arpeggio doesn't appear because it hasn't any room at

The trick is to manually adjust the arpeggio's positions.

\new Voice \with {
  \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
} \relative c' {
  <f c'>4\arpeggio <e b'>4\arpeggio <d a'>4\arpeggio <c g'>4\arpeggio
  c4\arpeggio c4\arpeggio c4\arpeggio c4\arpeggio
  \override Arpeggio #'positions = #'(-1 . 1)
  c4\arpeggio c4\arpeggio c4\arpeggio c4\arpeggio


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