Am 16.01.2013 11:27, schrieb David Kastrup:
Urs Liska <> writes:
Am I on the right track with this approach?
Or is there something wrong with it?
Well, what will always be wrong with it is that without using
LilyPond-book, you can only use embedded LilyPond in situations where
\verb and the verbatim environment would work. This rules out, for
example, usage in macro arguments, the most important of those probably
being the default \footnote command.
OK, I think I see.
Is there a way for latex to see if it is in such a context (i.e. in a
macro argument, or in a context where verb isn't availalbe) and react
The idea isn't to pretty-print the source code, but to be able to
compile the original latex file.
So I could live well with such a fallback construct:
* If the optional argument is present, include the image
* if not try to printout the original source code verbatim.
* if that's not possible, try to print it plainly (e.g. as \texttt)
* or finally just print a comment
If all this doesn't lead to an end, I will plainly print out references
to 'missing music examples'.
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