Am 16.01.2013 08:51, schrieb Maarten de Keijzer:
Is it possible to create some general setup for the total number of
bars within the score, including time changes?
In the example I have a score with two voices on the right (piano)
staff with 6/8 and 3/8 bars.
When I create in one voice some rhythmic accents (like grace notes or
acciaccatura) the new time indicator gets duplicated.
This is a very annoying bug in lilypond IIRC.
You can use an invisible \grace in the other voice as a workaround:
rightOne = \relative c'' {
c2. |
\time 3/8 bes16as es as bes c |
\time 6/8 \acciaccatura { bes16[ c16] } bes4.~ bes |
g8 bes es g bes es |
rightTwo = \relative c'' {
a2. |
\time 3/8 f8 s f |
\time 6/8 \grace { s8 } f4 f g |
g4. r |
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