>> If the distance exceeds a certain threshold (say, more than a
>> ninth), I would rather suggest that the voices are treated
>> independently, this is, that the accidental clusters are computed
>> separately, as originally stated by David.
> Well, the point of aligning them vertically is to make them stand
> out as a unit.  That makes sense to me.

Not for piano music (I'm just typesetting such a piece, thus my
reports).  It's *extremely* distracting if there is a gap between the
accidental and its note if not part of a chord.  Attached are two
examples from Debussy's first volume of preludes (Edition peters):
they clearly show that two largely separated voices do *not* have
aligned accidentals.

However, piano voices are often intertwined, so it would be really
good if Lilypond could group accidental clusters by itself.

>> BTW, it's easy to construct a situation even with Mike's patch (thanks
>> for the quick fix!) where a chord contains enough accidentals so that
>> accidentals in the separate voice are still too far to the left.
> What is "too far"?

I mean: There is an unwanted, ugly gap between the note head and the


<<inline: debussy-preludes.png>>

<<inline: debussy-preludes1.png>>

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