Ben wrote:

> Would it be possible to see the ly file for that PDF? :) 

Hi Ben,

Yes, of course! The problem is that it is not just one file. There are more
than 20 files involved. :-)

The file for the complete score includes a file containing the metrics,
another one for special definitions, one with my preferences for the
positions of percussion notes, another one with the headings for all staves
and finally one file for each part (flutes, horns, harp, etc.) I could zip
them all and put them in my Dropbox. However, I'm not sure if all things in
there are self-explanatory. I guess they might be for an experienced user
but maybe not so for a newcomer, who will have to wait until I write the
document that explains how all these files work.

I'll upload them tomorrow and past the link.



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