On 9 January 2013 19:13, Bob Langford <buffet1150...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Thanks !  for the assistance.
> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Lilypond 2.14.2 and Jedit via Synaptic, Lilypond tool ....
> ACER 5013 notebook
> .ly file attached.  I've commented out what doesn't work and left in the
> half-note tremolos.   Too see the compiler fail, comment out the half-notes
> and remove % from the hole-notes.

Nope. Both versions work for me every time both in 32-bit and 64-bit
Ubuntu 12.04 on an AMD CPU. The command and its output are:

$ lilypond test.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.14.2
Processing `test.ly'
Interpreting music... [8]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
test.ly:23:36: warning: weird stem size, check for narrow beams
        \repeat tremolo 8 { bes16 (
                                    e }
Layout output to `test.ps'...
Converting to `./test.pdf'...
success: Compilation successfully completed

...assuming I understand what you mean by commenting out one pair of
\repeats and uncommenting the other.

When you say "see the compiler fail", what do you mean exactly? Can
you copy-paste your console output, if you are running lilypond from
the console?


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