Thank everyone  very much and thank Hwaen Ch'uqi particularly for the
suggestions and the examples.

All more efficient or elegant solutions will be welcome.


global = {
 \key c \major
 \time 4/4

\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) {
      c'' c'' c'' c''  | %voiceA measure 1
      c' c' c' c'     | %voiceB measure 1

      g' g' g' g'    | %voiceA measure 2
      g g g g       | %voiceB measure 2

\parallelMusic #'(voiceC voiceD) {

     c' c' c' c'   | %voiceC measure 3
     c c c c      | %voiceD measure 3

     g' g' g' g'  | %voiceC measure 4
     g g g g     | %voiceD measure 4
     d' d' d' d'  | %voiceC measure 5
     d d d d     | %voiceD measure 5

    e' e' e' e'   | %voiceC measure 6
    e e e e      | %voiceD measure 6

\parallelMusic #'(voiceE voiceF) {

      c'' c'' c'' c''  | %voiceE measure 1
      c' c' c' c'     | %voiceF measure 1

      g' g' g' g'    | %voiceE measure 2
      g g g g       | %voiceF measure 2

 \new StaffGroup<<
   \new Staff{
     %\unfoldRepeats{                           % Comment \unfoldRepeats for 
Score and Uncomment
for Midi                                                                        
     \repeat volta 2{
         <<\voiceA \\ \voiceB>>
%         \alternative {                                % In case of 
\alternative for \repeat
%         { <<\voiceC \\ \voiceD>>}
%         {<<\voiceA \\ \voiceB>>}
%       }
       \repeat volta 2{
       <<\voiceC \\ \voiceD>>
     %}                                         % Comment \unfoldRepeats for 
Score and Uncomment for Midi                                                    
     <<\voiceE \\ \voiceF>>



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