I found Gentium Book Basic to be rather condensed, though, when
choosing it several months ago. But you’re right, it might not be that
suitable in other settings. I mainly write scores of the type I linked
to, though, so at the moment, Gentium Book Basic is perfect for me. I
very much like the rather “modern” look, in comparison to other serif
fonts. And I also found Ubuntu to be a great sans serif font for
chords and the like.

Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany

2013/1/7 Urs Liska <li...@ursliska.de>:
> Am 07.01.2013 15:01, schrieb Peter Crighton:
>> Could you explain to me why you think Gentium isn’t suitable for
>> lyrics? I’m using it (Gentium Book Basic) for my lyrics and am quite
>> satisfied with it:
>> https://s3.amazonaws.com/radiant_records/Sing+it+High+Songbook/Sing+It+High+Sample.pdf
>> But maybe I’m missing some important issues … I’m not that much of a
>> typographer.
> Gentium looks fine, and your example looks fine.
> But the letters are quite wide in this font, and you wouldn't be able to
> achieve any tighter horizontal spacing than you have. In your example this
> isn't a problem, mainly because you have only the melody and the
> corresponding lyrics. But if you had another staff with an accompaniment it
> could become somewhat awkward. Therefore I'd prefer a font family that has
> 'condensed' variant. If it also had  'medium' and 'semibold' variants, one
> could probably find a version that perfectly suits the visual appearance of
> the score.
> I hope this makes sense ...
> Best
> Urs
>> --
>> Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany
>> http://www.petercrighton.de
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