On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Yevgeny Lezhnin <z_lezh...@mail2000.ru>wrote:
> Hi, then I trying to add slides, there is no slide's sound in midi output > (on place of glissando mark). There was note in documentation, that > lilypond support guitar slides. Does lilypond support slides for midi? Or > will it be support of other effects for guitar in lilypond? > Apparently you have to write out the glissando, see. Here's an implementation with tags and this snippet applied to your score: \version "2.17.9" \language "deutsch" musicForBass = \relative c, { \tempo 4 = 90 \time 2/4 c8 c c8. g16 c g c8 c4~ c16 r ais8. f'8. \time 4/4 c8 c c8. g16 c g c8 c8. g16 \times 2/3 {c c c} \tag #'print { c4\glissando <f\3>8 } \tag #'midi { c8. ( \times 3/7 { c16[ cis d dis e eis f] } f16 ) } ais,8. f'8. r8 % \times 2/3 {c16[ c c]} c8. ( \times 3/7 { c16[ cis d dis e eis f] } f16 ) r8 \bar "||" } \header { title = "Circle of hands" composer = "Uriah heap" } bassStaff = \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bas Guitar" \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"electric bass (finger)" \new Voice { \clef "bass_8" \musicForBass } } \score { \new StaffGroup << \keepWithTag #'print \bassStaff \new TabStaff { \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #bass-tuning \keepWithTag #'print \musicForBass } >> \layout{} } \score { \unfoldRepeats { \keepWithTag #'midi \bassStaff } \midi{} } Best regards, Olivier
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