Hello list,
I think this has been answered before, but I don't find it in the
Assume I have the following file scoretest.ly:
\version "2.17.10"
#(define opt-score (or (ly:get-option 'score) "Full"))
musicA = \relative f {
c''4 d e f | g1
musicB = \relative f {
c'4 b a f | g 2 g
testScoreA = \score {
\new Staff { \musicA }
testScoreB = \score {
\new Staff { \musicB }
testScoreFull = \score {
\new Staff { \musicA }
\new Staff { \musicB }
\score {
#(string-append "testScore" opt-score)
I want to call this file either by lilypond without options,
which should yield in calling \testScoreFull in the \score { ... },
or by 'lilypond -dscore="A" testscore.ly' to obtain \score { \testScoreA },
'lilypond -dscore="B" testscore.ly' should produce \score { \testScoreB }.
The test file does not work, and I am sure that I have seen
something very similar somemonths ago, but I don't find it right now.
Any hints are highly welcome!
Thanks in advance,
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