Hi Kieren,

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Kieren MacMillan
<kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Hi David,
>> In the interests of making the user interface friendlier, I added a
>> feature for specifying repeats.  You can now write something like this:
>>  \consists #(bars-per-line-engraver '(5 7*5 1 3*3))
> Love it! Thanks.
> Is there an easy way of making an systems-per-page-engraver along the same 
> lines?
> One that takes the systems as spit out by whatever system (automagic, manual 
> breaks, bars-per-line-engraver, etc.) and then does the correct 'forcing'?
> This would be a great workaround for the current minimal-breaking 
> overestimation problem…
Attached you'll find a engraver which seems to work.  This is a
separate engraver from "bars-per-line-engraver," with the ungainly
name of "bars-per-line-systems-per-page-engraver."

Basically, you \consist the engraver to a context (I add it to Score
in the example, but others should now work).  The numbers in the
argument--predictably enough--represent the bars for each system in
the score.  To indicate the systems per page, you enclose groups of
these numbers in parentheses.  So, the following \layout block

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #(bars-per-line-systems-per-page-engraver '((4 4) (4 4 4) (1)))

will create a page will two four-bar systems, another with three
four-bar-systems, a third with one one-bar line,


if you didn't account for all the bars in the score, LilyPond should
revert to normal line-breaking and pagination for the remaining
measures.  There's no attempt here (as with the
"bars-per-line-engraver") to allow repeating patterns.

Shortcut--well, maybe not, but more user-friendly:

The above \consist line may be written like so:

\consists #(bars-per-line-systems-per-page '((4*2) (4*3) (1)))

Anyway, let me know if you run into problems with this, or have
suggestions for improvements.


Attachment: bars-per-line-systems-per-page-engraver.ly
Description: Binary data

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