Ben you wrote Friday, December 21, 2012 5:29 AM

> I am stumped, but happy.  I say that because LilyPond renders the tune
> correctly and does not error on bar checks etc unless you have the
> second \time 3/4 in the score block.  I know that removing the second
> \time 3/4 from the score block fixed the problem, and that adding it
> back recreated the problem.  I thought this was odd since the LilyPond
> manual in the section on Changing time signatures inside a polymetric
> section using \scaleDurations appears to show an example that has more
> than one time signature in the score block.  For now I will try to
> remember to minimize the use of "\time X/Y" in the scores to avoid
> collisions in the future.  

A second \time will cause no problems if it occurs at the same
musical moment as the first one.  In your case it doesn't, due to
the different timing of the grace notes in the two parts.  As only
one \time command is needed at any point in a score (unless it 
is polymetric) it is best to stick to one at a time.

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