David Rogers <davidandrewrogers <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Parham Fazelzadeh <parham <at> hil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp> writes:
> > Yeah, it doesn't make sense to tie rests, you are right about that. But the
> > behaviour was still unexpected, and unwanted, I would say.
> In general, with LilyPond, unexpected input creates unexpected
> output.
> Often, if you input something that doesn't make sense, LP "tries very
> hard" to force it to make sense - to do what you might have meant. If
> bad input was simply ignored, then it would also be harder for you to
> find the problem afterward - so it's actually a good thing that bad
> input creates a messy score.
> (Putting a tie between rests is an input mistake, plain and
> simple. Don't do that. Problem solved.) :)
Yes, I can see how unexpected input creates unexpected output. 
Was just wondering why there was no syntax check for this. 
I'm guessing there exists checks for syntax already, as it currently gives off
 warnings when stuff is misplaced in the .ly-file. I agree that it 
shouldn't go by silently, but perhaps it is better to have a syntax 
warning than hope that the user spots the error in the generated score?
It might after all be only one little tilde gone amiss in a much bigger score.

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