Sometimes the position of figured bass figures needs tweaking. Reading
the manual I see Y-offset and padding mentioned as properties of
BassFigureAlignmentPositioning but nothing for BassFigure, which I guess
is the name of the layout object I would need to tweak.

I have tried this:

\version "2.16"

VoiceI = { a a }

BassFiguresLine = \figuremode {
 \tweak #'Y-offset #10 < 6 4>4 < 5 4>4 

\score {
\new Staff   << 
 \context Staff \BassFiguresLine
 \new Voice \VoiceI 

with Y-offset replaced by padding I get no effect either.

Anyone have an idea what could be done to move a block of figures, or
one figure up/down?

Richard Shann

lilypond-user mailing list

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