Daniel Rosen <drosen27 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> "So far, there's no automatic support in LilyPond to avoid collisions between 
> multi-measure rests and other objects."
> Is this still the case?


> If so, is there a reason that this feature can't be added?
I think that part of reason full-measure rests don't avoid other
objects is that their spacing rules are different than those for anything
else inside the staff.  They go in the middle of the measure, without 
regard to rhythm.  They would need to be placed somewhat like text markup.

{ \time 3/4 << {
   b'16 a' g' d' e'4 e''
 } \\ {
   \once\override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #-7
 } >> }

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