I see two options:
1) Instead of using \chd with your proper chords in it, you could just
create a dummy chord voice like
dummy = \chordmode { \repeat unfold n { c1 } }
and use that to associate the Lyrics Staff with. That way you definitely
have one "stop" per measure.
I don't really get that problem of non-aligned measures with the text.
It works nicely with Lily 2.16.0. Except of course if a text passage is
already too long to fit in a whole line, but I don't see how this is a
Lilypond problem.
Apparently, you still need to use chordmode for that dummy line - it
didn't work otherwise here.
2) Someone else can suggest a better approach than mine (that's not
unlikely - I have used Lilypond for quite a while now, but always for
rather basic stuff like Jazz Leadsheets).
Also, when I tried out my solution, I wasn't at my own computer but used
the online editor Lilybin instead ... now that I'm back at my machine, I
see that my approach works, but produces many warnings on the console -
so it'd be probably even a good idea if someone else did suggest a
different approach ...
Am 12/12/12 9:37 AM, schrieb Maarten de Keijzer:
With the following 'script' and syllables enclosed by "" I get a score
including the text:
\score {
\new Devnull = "inv" { \chd }
\new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "upper" \upper
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "lower" \lower
\clef bass
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "inv" \text
\layout { }
However, the text is related to chord changes, and I would prefer just
textparts per measure.
Can that be fixed with some other mode?
Also, the measures are not adjusted to the text, so some parts of the text
donĀ“t align (even outside the paper).
Is there a setting to fix that?
-- Maarten
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