On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 9:31 PM, ed stuckems <edstuck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm creating piano music for someone and the recipient reviewed the
> score and asked for changes.  Despite my best efforts, I haven't been
> able to make the requested changes without some help.   Can someone
> help with the following changes:
> (1) in a piano staff context, we'd like to increase the space between
> the two staves comprising the piano staff.  I think I need to target
> the staff-staff-spacing or the staffgroup-staff-spacing properties of
> StaffGrouper.  I tried the following code but it had no effect:
>   \new PianoStaff \with {
>     staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 9) (minimum-distance .
> 7) (padding . 1) (stretchability . 50))
>     staffgroup-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 10.5)
> (minimum-distance . 8) (padding . 1) (stretchability . 50))
> }

This seems to work:

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
    \override StaffGrouper #'staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #20
  } <<
    \new Staff { \clef treble c'4 }
    \new Staff { \clef bass c'4 }
  \layout { }

> (2) Here's a snippet of code that we'd like to amend to change
> lilypond's default behaviour.  The result of this code is to place the
> fingering below the fermata and above the staff.  I'd like to have the
> fingering placed above fermata.  I've looked through the IR and
> couldn't find the property(ies) to make the change.
>  { \relative c' <e g c>1\fermata^2^3^5 }

You can get around this by overriding the script-priority property:

  \once \override Script #'script-priority = #0
  \relative c' <e g c>1\fermata^2^3^5

See this LSR snippet: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=447


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