I am using a recent development snapshot of GNU Emacs (version and
the lilypond-mode.el distributed with LilyPond version 2.16 and 2.17. The emacs
function compile-internal has been deprecated/obsolete for some time now, and it
has been removed entirely from Emacs 24.3.  As a result, LilyPond-compile-file
does not work.

The recommended replacement for compile-internal seems to be compilation-start,
which I believe has been included in Emacs since verson 21.x (not sure exactly
when it was introduced).  The following replacement for LilyPond-compile-file
works in Emacs, but at the moment I am unable to check it with any
older version of emacs.  Because I only just started using LilyPond, I am also
unsure of how well this works with anything more complicated than a single .ly
file, so I hope that someone else will look it over and test it.

Here's the replacement code:

(defun LilyPond-compile-file (command name)
  ;; We maybe should know what we run here (Lily, lilypond, tex)
  ;; and adjust our error-matching regex ?
   (if (eq LilyPond-command-current 'LilyPond-command-master)
     ;; use temporary directory for Commands on Buffer/Region
     ;; hm.. the directory is set twice, first to default-dir
     (concat "cd " (LilyPond-temp-directory) "; " command))
   'LilyPond-mode #'(lambda (mode-name) "*LilyPond-compile*")))

And here's the patch for lilypond-mode.el:

--- lilypond-mode.el-orig       2012-12-03 07:27:32.061164026 -0500
+++ lilypond-mode.el    2012-12-10 13:08:07.046248289 -0500
@@ -286,13 +286,13 @@
 (defun LilyPond-compile-file (command name)
   ;; We maybe should know what we run here (Lily, lilypond, tex)
   ;; and adjust our error-matching regex ?
-  (compile-internal
+  (compilation-start
    (if (eq LilyPond-command-current 'LilyPond-command-master)
      ;; use temporary directory for Commands on Buffer/Region
      ;; hm.. the directory is set twice, first to default-dir
      (concat "cd " (LilyPond-temp-directory) "; " command))
-   "No more errors" name))
+   'LilyPond-mode #'(lambda (mode-name) "*LilyPond-compile*")))
 ;; do we still need this, now that we're using compile-internal?
 (defun LilyPond-save-buffer ()

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