Noeck <> writes:

> I do not know the parser, but wouldn't it be possible to recognize
> whether a named context already exists and use that one and if not
> create a new one. That those lines could shrink to:
> Staff "var" { a4 }
> Staff "var" …    or even (?)   \var …

Staff and "var" are valid lyrics.  Most complex syntactic constructs
start with a keyword starting with backslash for that reason, or with
special characters.

> I think it is always better to make the usage of the software easy,
> than having to explain a lot in the documentation why this has to be
> done in a complex way (even if it is easy compared to the knowledge of
> the developers).

"Easy" is not the same as "arbitrary".  Your proposal is not anything
like any other LilyPond construct, so how would a user be able to guess
and/or remember it?

> But probably, I do not know enough about LilyPond to see the reason
> for this and the drawbacks my suggestion would have (I wrote it,
> because I see a small chance that it is not totally rubbish ;) ).

Well, it is a bit like closing your eyes and running in order to find a
better way through the woods than the existing one which one considers
too winded.  Yes, a small chance, but it is somewhat optimistic to
assume that one will get through and that the original pathmakers were
just too stupid to see the simpler way.

David Kastrup

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