Hi all,
many thanks to Glen for his reply to my previous post(simple chords only
template). Im working my way thru that at the moment.
I have a question tho how do I tell it the number of bars to hold the
chord for?
progChords = \relative c {
f1 bes f c bes f' bes f c f bes f g c bes c f c
if I make it f1 f f f bes and use the \set chordChanges = ##t I get the
desired output. that is four bars of F followed by Bb. The F text has
been removed from the 2,3,4 bar. Perfect
My question is tho, is there a better way to script this? that is having
to write four f s. Writing it out the long way my song would be written as
f1 f f f bes2 f f1 c bes f f bes f c f bes f g c bes c c f c
I can use the bes2 to get Bb for 2 beats then F for 2 more (completes
the bar) then f1 puts it back 1 chord per bar.. I just cant see anywhere
how to tell it I want F for four bars or even 16 beats.
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