David Bellows <davebell...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hey everyone. I'm creating a score for classical guitar and I've run
> into a problem combining harmonics and regular notes in the same
> measure in different voices. If I do something like this:
> \version "2.16.1"
> << { \harmonicsOn e'4 f' g' \harmonicsOff} \\ {a4 b c} >>
> then the harmonic noteheads are clear or open, i.e., they are not
> filled in like you'd expect with a quarter notes (eighth, sixteenth,
> etc.). I do not think this is standard for guitar notation and in any
> case given some intricate rhythm stuff going on it's going to make it
> difficult for the performer to figure out what to play.
> Instead if I do:
> \version "2.16.1"
> << { \override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic-mixed e'4 f' g'
> \revert Staff.NoteHead #'style } \\ {a4 b c} >>
> Then the harmonic noteheads are filled in properly but the notes in
> the second voice are also displayed as harmonics instead of regular
> notes.

Why are you overriding Staff.NoteHead if you only want the noteheads of
a single _Voice_ to be overriden?

<< \styledNoteHeads #'harmonic-mixed #'NoteHead { e'4 f' g' } \\
   {a4 b c} >>

should likely work as well as
<< { \override NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic-mixed e'4 f' g'
     \revert NoteHead #'style } \\ {a4 b c} >>

David Kastrup

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