On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Jethro Van Thuyne <p...@jethro.be> wrote:

> Is there any way to obtain this kind of notation in Lilypond (to
> show the duration of notes, in a proportional way, with thick
> lines)?
>   cfr.
> http://wojciechkilar.pl/**upload/SCORE%20Generique1.JPG<http://wojciechkilar.pl/upload/SCORE%20Generique1.JPG>
> I found kind of a solution on the mailing list (see link below), but
> the line is a bit too thick using cluster notation.
>   http://lists.gnu.org/archive/**html/lilypond-user/2008-04/**
> msg00528.html<http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2008-04/msg00528.html>
> Jethro
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> lilypond-user@gnu.org
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It looks like you might be able to use a glissando and override the style
to be "line", then twiddle the thickness until it looks right?

And she forgot the stars, the moon, and sun,
And she forgot the blue above the trees,
And she forgot the dells where waters run,
And she forgot the chilly autumn breeze...

— Keats, "Isabella, or the Pot of Basil"
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